Check It Out: Carbon & Cow$ Carbon Markets

By Aaron Whittemore, Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University

Cows with ear tags looking at a camera
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There has been a lot of chatter lately surrounding carbon markets and opportunities they provide for agricultural producers. However, many in the industry struggle to understand the ins and outs of these complex markets, despite the apparent intrigue. 

Dr. Jordan Shockley, Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky, explains the current state of carbon markets in the agricultural sector in a recent episode of the Carbon and Cow$ podcast. He covers both regulated and voluntary markets, and details the current opportunities and challenges for both crop and livestock producers. This episode includes an abundance of tips for those who are considering carbon contracts now or in the future. Give this episode a listen if you’ve ever thought about pursuing a carbon contract or simply want to learn more about carbon markets!

The Carbon and Cow$ podcast is hosted by Nina Gibson and produced by a team of researchers from Washington State University and the University of Idaho. Each podcast episode features an interview with an expert in the carbon market industry and provides detailed, applicable knowledge on carbon and renewable energy markets for agricultural producers.

Carbon and Cow$ is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.


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