Hotter and Hotter

By David Schmidt

Reprinted from: Animal Ag

Climate data graph

The big news this past week was the official declaration by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that globally 2014 was the hottest year since 1880.

I will not be discussing this data as I am not a climate scientist. However, I do think is important for all of us to try to understand the data and significance of this global trend. Hence, I encourage you to read more on the topic.

I found a couple of really good blogs on the topic that put things into perspective for me. They break down the data some and include some pretty impressive graphics and links to some other great conversations on the topic.

Agriculture is likely the industry most susceptible to climate trends. We do not need to all become climatologists but we must all do our part to understand these climate changes and the relationship of these changes to agriculture. I would encourage you to subscribe to a daily or weekly climate blog as a way to help you keep up to date on this topic.

Always Considering Climate — David

David Schmidt MS. PE is a researcher and educator in the Department of Bioproducts and Bioysystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota and regional project coordinator for the project Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate, a national project of the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center and funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

The post Hotter and Hotter appeared first on Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate.


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