Where do you go for climate data online?

By Liz Allen

New federal climate data initiative launched

An ever-expanding array of online tools and resources exists to supply farmers, ranchers, businesses, researchers, regulators and other citizens with information that will help them understand and prepare for climate change impacts.

On March 19, a new resource that delivers on President Obama’s Climate Action Plan was announced on the White House Blog. The Climate Data Initiative is a tool connected to the data.gov site, which was created in 2009. Information from federal agencies including National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States Geological Survey (USGS), and the Department of Defense (DOD) will be synthesized as a resource for adaptation and resilience planning for communities and industries.

Currently the resources available via the Climate Data Initiative are focused on sea level rise and associated coastal hazards. The resource is expected to expand and develop over time to include more data about extreme events, drought, wildfires, flooding and health and agriculture impacts. Though currently limited in the kinds of data available, this may be a valuable resource to bookmark and explore.

What online tools and data archives have you used before? What kinds of information and analytical tools have been valuable to you? What climate information resources would you like to see become publicly available?  As we build AgClimate.net we would love to hear your comments.


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